A comparison of quality assurance implementation in public and private banks: evidence from Faisalabad


  • Muhammad Junaid Qadir COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Irfan Habib COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan




Quality Assurance; Public banks; Private Banks; SERVQUAL model


In this study comparison of Public and privately-owned Banks has been made on the basis of quality assurance implementation. Public and Private Banks of Faisalabad region were selected as a sample. It’s a descriptive study and the data was collected through a well-structured questionnaire designed after going through various studies relevant to quality assurance and service quality of the banks. Convenient sampling technique was used to obtain the data at ease of accessibility. Responses were collected from 50 branches each for Public and Private banks with 1500 respondents. There are some studies relevant to this topic, but no study has been made yet to assess the service quality of the bank using SERVQUAL model containing 06 areas that are stated in terms of responsiveness, tangibility, empathy, technology, assurance and the last one as reliability. At various aspects the privately-owned banks were found implementing quality assurance practices more satisfactory than public ones keeping in view the dimensions of SERVQUAL model as variables to represent service quality. Further studies can be made by broadening population size and others models of assessing service quality. 


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A comparison of quality assurance implementation in public and private banks: evidence from Faisalabad. (2024). International Journal of Social Studies, 3(2), 83-90. https://doi.org/10.55627/ijss.003.02.0569